.50 BMG 700gr Frangible Wide Taper Point
The Lead-Free EBR Frangible .50 line is designed specifically to allow the shooter to utilize the incredible power of a .50 caliber weapon system in environments and ranges that normally do not permit the use of .50 caliber weapons. EBR frangible ammunition provides an extra measure of accuracy and safety for those training or performing job-related duties in urban areas. The projectile is designed to break apart and expand on contact with hard surfaces, significantly reducing the chance ricochet or over-penetration. The Wide Taper Point (WTP) projectile is ideal for sniper teams operating in urban environments, training or individuals shooting on limited distance ranges due to its anti-ricochet properties. Most applications will benefit from the TaperPoint 700gr projectile. It feeds reliably in bolt action rifles, semi-automatic rifles, and belt-fed machine guns.
.50 BMG 600gr Frangible Limited Penetration
The Lead-Free EBR Frangible .50 BMG line is designed specifically to allow the shooter to utilize the incredible power of a.50 caliber weapon system in environments and ranges that normally do not permit the use of .50 BMGcaliber weapons. EBR frangible ammunition provides an extra measure of accuracy and safety for those training or performing job-related duties in urban areas. The hollow point projectile is designed to break apart and expand on contact with hard surfaces, significantly reducing the chance ricochet or over-penetration. The Engel Ballistic Research, Inc. .50 BMG Limited Penetration ammunition was created for a U.S. federal agency operating in and around water and designed to significantly reduce the chance of ricochet off of water at low angles while still maintaining accuracy and it’s disintegrating properties consistent with our other .50 BMG Frangible ammunition. This ammunition also limits the penetration of .50 BMG ammunition on soft targets. The round will almost entirely be contained in a 16" gel block vastly limiting the penetrating qualities in the .50 BMG caliber.